The Dressing Conundrum

The discourse around dressing and sexual harassment (SH) continues to spark intense debate among stakeholders. 

Content Analysis of Anti Sexual Harassment Policies in 3 First-Generation Universities in Nigeria

Though the three policies provided clear definitions for sexual harassment, these definitions differed widely and may leave room for ambiguity in what is considered SH.

A Chat with Boladale Mapayi: First Female Professor of Psychiatry at Obafemi Awolowo University

To commemorate International Women’s Day which is marked annually on March 8, CARTA Communication Assistant, Topistar Karani caught up with Boladale Mapayi (CARTA cohort 4 graduate)

Point of View: CARTA Shine Project Researchers’ Voices from the Field.

The team reflected on our experience with engaging with survivors about their experiences.

Sexual Harassment: A Brief Definition

SH includes requests for sexual favours and verbal or physical sexual activities which are used as the basis for employing or awarding academic marks

Indecent Dressing: A Cause of SH?

Our study will explore these claims.

The Antisexual Harassment Bill in Nigeria

We will be asking both learners and educators whether they agree that this Bill should be turned into law and why?

Institutional Response to Sexual Harassment

Our study will explore how well the institutional response have been and what can be done to strengthen this.

CARTA August 2022 News!

Read the Full CARTA August Newsletter Here…